Before and After Retouching Samples


comped in background and tool; reshaped tool head; moved hand; enhanced diamond; minimized hair on hands; shaped lighting 

fashion shoot for the cools

removed dog without extra frame; replaced framed art

comped crumbs, steam, flour; dodge and burn, color, general clean up.

was asked to isolate top figure after shoot without having extra frames to comp figure; created elbow and leg without additional assets

built necklace from photo stacked images and then retouched piece

comped in hot coals, reshaped broccoli to make room for title, extensive dodging and burning, straightened grill

comped in wall paper and baseboard; general clean up and light shaping 

replaced labels; retouched metal tops; enhanced engraving on bottles; removed color cast in candle

removed bags under eyes; removed hair from eyes; managed fly aways on top of head

created background; cleaned up table, and molds; shaped lighting; color correction

removed reflections in glasses/rebuilt eyes without extra frames; fixed black eye; removed color cast

comped multiple frames together; extensive dodging and burning; enhanced sky

extensive dodging and burning; color correction

comped in rocking chair; general clean up; brightened image

corrected lens distortion; enhanced lighting

reshaped ankle and softened face; corrected lens distortion, removed pipes and outlets along with general clean up; color correction

product clean up; shaped lighting; color correction

car test

car test